Tag Archives: speed dating

Speed dating part deux

I went speed dating again yesterday. I went to an event run by the same company last month and it was entertaining enough. It could have been run a little better as it was a bit disorganized but it was relatively cheap as far as these types of events go. At the other event I think I met 26 men and this time there were about the same number if not 1 or 2 less. In my opinion, this is a few too many people. I have been to other events with 10-12 people and in those cases your odds aren’t as good but by the end of meeting 25+ people you can be rather exhausted, so that may due something to your odds as well.

Last time I put down 14 of the men but I only received one mutual match. I wasn’t especially attracted to him but we had some things in common and I was trying to be open-minded. He never contacted me and I never contacted him so that’s that. This time I tried changing up my outfit a little bit and wore a dress, one with birdcages that makes me feel feminine and flirty. We’ll see if I get more matches this time.

The results are in…

So, I finally got the results of my speed dating event back. I was beginning to worry that I didn’t have any matches because it had been a few days. Then the negativity started to creep in, out of 14 guys not even one wanted to go out with me at least once? Well, it turns out that only 1 put me down as a match. I chose 14 hoping to get at least 2 or 3 but I guess I should be happy I even got one right? I’m kind of bummed out because some of the guys I would be interested in being friends with more than anything and I think that can happen from speed dating too, actually I know it can, but I guess I shouldn’t worry about that because being friends with guys is part of why I am where I am right now. More on that in future posts.

Physically speaking the one guy who I did match with isn’t really the type I would normally go for, I don’t have one specific type, but there are things I like and don’t like as with anyone else. However, we had some common interests so I put him down trying to be open-minded. So, I guess now I’ll wait and see if he contacts me. I’m kind of old fashioned and I like to be pursued. I’m on the fence about attending another event with this company because I worry it’ll end up just being some of the same guys over and over again but you never know… I’d probably go to at least once more.

I may have some other prospects on the line though. This afternoon I was home sick from work so I poked around on one of the dating websites I am signed up for to amuse myself while I waited for my messages. I got an e-mail from one guy wanting friends with benefits, which I politely declined. I am fine with that if the agreement is mutually agreed upon but it’s not what I want right now while I’m trying to be more available for a relationship to grow. Then I got another e-mail from a guy who sounded interesting, he’s met Mother Theresa, I’m not a practicing Catholic at the moment, but that’s still pretty freaking cool. So, I didn’t wait my usual one day to reply, I just waited a few hours until he was offline (since I happened to be online when he was online messaging me) and just wrote back to him today. We’ll see when/if he replies again.

There is also another guy I may be interested in from one of the social groups I’m in but he is very young, younger than the other young guys I’ve been dating lately. He does seem mature in some ways, but most of our conversations have been online so it’s hard to tell. He may end up in my garden of man friends but it’s still too soon to tell what will happen yet…

Speed dating

So,  I went speed dating today. I have been twice before with different companies and at one of those events I did end up matching with someone who I went out a few times before figuring out it wasn’t a love connection. We did continue to hang out though and have become good friends. I go into these things not expecting much other than to meet some new people who I may or may not see again. This event had 26 men, I think there were slightly fewer women, but I had to talk to 26 guys for 3 minutes each. It was fun and exhausting. It was somewhat well run, although they could have done a few things a little better. It’s always awkward trying to write notes and they were running a little behind schedule so they zipped us along pretty quickly and I had a few blanks in my notes next the guys’ names. So, when it came time to decide who I liked I filled up all 14 spots on the sheet. I wrote down some people I might not have been typically attracted to but whose conversation was interesting and a few who had blanks next to their names, because what the heck? It wouldn’t hurt to go on one date with them if we even end up matching. That’s the other thing, I don’t expect to match with all 14 so I just filled up the spots hoping to match with more than just 1 or 2.  We shall see shortly how that turns out…