Mon Nov 21 18:23:13 2022
(*3bd42332*):: Yes… this is real
(*3bd42332*):: +public!
*** Men who identify as feminists more than twice as likely to use erectile dysfunction medication, study finds
*** Feminist men report higher rates of erectile dysfunction medication use than non-feminist men, according to new research published in The Journal of Sex Research. …
*** PsyPost
Fri Nov 18 15:30:13 2022
(*6952cd93*):: 80% of women aren’t worth reproducing with already so most of the 55% by then are lucky. Add the bioweapons and transhumanism and there’s only going to be 1% of women by 2050 that are even capable of reproducing. The vast majority of people will be childless in the near future because humans will be grown in artificial wombs and raised by state appointed guardians, and anything else will be considered an abomination and extremely illegal. :blackpill: +public!
(*4cfb807c*):: Birth control …
Fri Nov 18 06:54:28 2022
(*6952cd93*):: 80% of women aren’t worth reproducing with already so most of the 55% by then are lucky. Add the bioweapons and transhumanism and there’s only going to be 1% of women by 2050 that are even capable of reproducing. The vast majority of people will be childless in the near future because humans will be grown in artificial wombs and raised by state appointed guardians, and anything else will be considered an abomination and extremely illegal. :blackpill: +public!
Thu Nov 17 21:07:31 2022
(*4cfb807c*):: Lol is that why the Dead Sea is so salty
*** San Francisco Unveils Free Money “G.I.F.T.” Handouts For Transgender Residents
*** …free lunch for transfranciscans?
*** ZeroHedge
(*4cfb807c*):: +public!