Tue Nov 15 16:20:40 2022
(*6952cd93*):: nah fuck that, eat raw eggs and don’t get lazy and give up on life and you can bang young chicks till you drop dead https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/worlds-oldest-porn-star-82-10217372 +public!
*** ‘World’s oldest’ porn star, 82, reveals bizarre secret behind his sex drive
*** Shigeo Tokuda has starred in hundreds of erotic films called ‘Elderly’ and makes 60 erotic movies every year after making his debut in 2004
*** mirror
(*54b3f3ac*):: ask hefner!
(*54b3f3ac*):: i put them in smoothies. never had an issue with em
(*f763ed18*):: Crack that egg on that hot rice, perfection