Category Archives: menslounge


Thu Jan 11 05:47:57 2024
(*7f971682*):: +public!
*** Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) on X
*** Holy smokes this is terrifying. Female Air traffic controller argues with a pilot who’s been flying for 15 years about a landing and says she “googled it” so she’s right and knows best.

This happened at DTO, a small airport in Texas.

Who wants to bet she was a diversity hire?…
*** X (formerly Twitter)


Sat Dec 9 05:54:46 2023
(*6952cd93*):: are the birth control pills getting stronger? :thinking_face: +public!
*** 𝐋𝐢𝐨𝐧 (@LionsSpectre) on X
*** Something bad is happening.

I have seen three 9’s/10’s females in past month dating cave trolls. Demons. True Fat fuck receding hairline 5’2 boyfriends. Each time I saw, I was certain they were her orbiter, until they kissed.

I have never seen this.

No, they weren’t…
*** X (formerly Twitter)