All posts by Anon Ymous







Thu Sep 21 10:32:39 2023
(*4297a328*):: +public!
(*117cbc9b*):: would love to do a wheatpasting/stencil campaign with this vibe. alot more ppl agree with this than not except jew media convinces people otherwise. would be good to get in front of ppl in physical way
(*4297a328*):: “It’s okay to Love Christ” riffing off of “It’s okay to be white”


Wed Sep 20 14:26:26 2023
(*4297a328*):: https://www.foxnews.com/us/girls-killed-delphi-murders-were-sacrificed-pagan-cult-ritual-defense-claims
*** Girls killed in Delphi murders were sacrificed in pagan cult ritual, defense claims
*** Attorneys for Richard Allen, the prime suspect in the 2017 murders of two girls in Delphi, Indiana, are now claiming the girls died in a “ritualistic sacrifice.”
*** Fox News
(*4297a328*):: https://www.foxnews.com/us/girls-killed-delphi-murders-were-sacrificed-pagan-cult-ritual-defense-claims
*** Girls killed in Delphi murders were sacrificed in pagan cult ritual, defense claims
*** Attorneys for Richard Allen, the prime suspect in the 2017 murders of two girls in Delphi, Indiana, are now claiming the girls died in a “ritualistic sacrifice.”
*** Fox News
(*4cfb807c*):: +public!