All posts by Anon Ymous


Thu Oct 12 06:16:08 2023
(*6952cd93*):: ^ https://www.thecrimson.com/article/2023/10/12/doxxing-truck-students-israel-statement/ +public!
*** As Students Face Retaliation for Israel Statement, a ‘Doxxing Truck’ Displaying Students’ Faces Comes to Harvard’s Campus | News | The Harvard Crimson
*** A billboard truck drove through the streets surrounding Harvard’s campus Wednesday, digitally displaying the names and faces of students allegedly affiliated with student groups that signed onto a controversial statement on Hamas’ attack on Israel.
*** thecrimson.com


Sat Oct 7 00:53:07 2023
(*6952cd93*):: Yezzz king :crown:
(*4e3d9761*):: https://www.tmz.com/2023/10/06/kanye-west-yews-jews-trademark-financial-services-real-estate-clothing/
*** Kanye West Reportedly Files ‘YEWS’ Trademark for Financial Services and Clothing
*** Kanye West is reportedly working behind the scenes to lock down trademark rights to “YEWS,” a phrase he wants to slap on just about everything .. from streaming to restaurants.
*** TMZ
(*6952cd93*):: +public!



